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Did that get your attention??? Then come and see Acadia Community Theater's upcoming production of Willy Wonka where this mild mannered (!!!) school nurse is transformed onstage into an over the top ridiculous German Frau who dotes on and constantly feeds her always hungry obese young son. I don't want to reveal too much

I have been involved in community theater now for many years, first starting out playing alongside my young children. They grew up and left the stage but their mom continued on!!! I love costumes and singing and laughing and so it seemed a natural fit. I enjoy the "community" aspect of working together with all ages. We are (almost) all on a level playing field, working hard, laughing at the same funny things and coming together to provide entertainment for our audiences. One of my favorite parts of the shows is actually after the show is over, the cast all runs to the front of the theater to greet our "fans". What I love about it is looking at all the smiling, happy faces streaming through those doors (OK, OK...I also like it when they tell me how funny/silly/foolish I was). At one point I wondered why I did all of this. Then after one of the performances of "Annie" an acquaintance of mine, who had never been to a play and had lost her husband about a year and a half before, came up to me and said, "That was the first time since my husband died that I lost myself in enjoyment!" I was so completely touched by this widow's comment. I then realized that the goofy stuff we do onstage has therapeutic value!!! It gave me a sense of purpose in my cavorting onstage and reinforced the old saying, "Laughter is the best medicine!" Enjoy the show, folks!!!!

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