Introducing Mallory Watkins
Mallory is playing the reluctant guide and loner that is the kolokolo bird. Mallory started theater during her time in high school. Her...

Introducing Jacob Sanner
Jacob is playing the storyteller/ father figure/Creator of the Just So Universe, The Eldest Magician. Jacob has been acting on and off...

Introducing Renee Quebbeman
Renee made her triumphant comeback to the stage last year after a 25 year hiatus. You may remember her from the ACT production of "A...

Introducing Molly Dority
Molly is a freshman at MDI High School. You might remember her from her role in "Mean Girls". Molly is returning to the ACT stage after...

Turning Stage Fright into Stage Excitement!
“Being in a crowded room with people of all ages, learning new songs and dance routines --- knowing we’ll get to flub up over and over...

The End of an Era - My First Inspiration in Theater
Tonight, my high school theater director will be overseeing his final show at New Milford High School. I had hoped to be there but life...

A Family Connection with Theater
If anyone had ever told me when I was either in high school or a young adult that I would ever love performing on stage and being part of...
ACT Offers Scholarships
The Acadia Community Theater Board of Directors is proud to announce that we will be awarding two scholarships this spring. The winners...

Great Theater, For Crying Out Loud!
Have you ever been part of something that inspired you to the point of tears? You’re probably going to think that I am sappy, but yes, I...

When Shrek Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
“For those who have, for one reason or another, not been to see the shows put on by the theatre department of Mount Desert Island High...