The Hunt MDI
Entry Requirements: Entry forms and checklists MUST be received by email or in the entry box at a performance no later than 7:00 pm on April 12. To be eligible for the prize drawing, teams (1-4 participants) must post photos using the provided social media tags at a minimum of 10 spots INCLUDING the Freaky Friday marquee at The Criterion AND at least one spot in each town (Red = Bar Harbor, Blue = Mt. Desert, Green = Southwest Harbor) Your sign with team name should be visible in all photos. Completed entries will be entered into a special drawing. All posts must include #TheHuntMDI to be eligible.
Join in The Hunt MDI, the epic islandwide scavenger hunt that offers great prizes and tons of fun!
To compete in The Hunt MDI, follow these simple steps:
1. Form a team of 1-4 people. (Family teams can include more people) Be sure that you have a parent's permission if you are under age 18. Choose a team captain.
2. Download and print the entry packet that includes the registration form, a sign to hold in your photos, and THE LIST!
3. Complete your entry form (it's a fillable PDF!) and email it to acadiacommunitytheater@gmail.com so we can follow your progress.
4. Write your team name on your sign
5. Start hunting! Visit a spot on The List and take a selfie with your team sign that includes the landmark indicated and the members of your team. Check off the locations on The List as you visit them.
6. Jump on Facebook and/or Instagram (or have a parent help you) and post your picture to your (or a parent's) account. Be sure to include the social media tags for the location you visited as well as #TheHuntMDI on every post.
7. Return your completed List by email or drop it off in the entry box at one of the performances NO LATER THAN 7:00 pm on Friday, April 12. All teams that meet the entry requirements will be entered into a raffle to win great prizes from our sponsors! (see entry requirements below)
8. Have fun hunting and come see ACT's production of FREAKY FRIDAY!! (The fun is required. Attendance at the show is not)
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